You likely associate orthodontic services with straightening teeth, but they also offer other treatments that improve your smile and oral health. Learning your options helps determine if seeing an orthodontist could benefit you. Here's an overview of three common services besides realignment that orthodontists provide.
One of the most popular orthodontic services is professional whitening to brighten stained smiles. Over time, foods, drinks, smoking, genetics, and age can yellow teeth. An orthodontist can dramatically whiten your smile, either in-office or using take-home kits that work more gradually. Both methods are more effective than store-bought strips and trays. In-office power whitening rapidly boosts brightness in one visit. Your orthodontist covers your gums, paints hydrogen peroxide whitening gel on your teeth, and then shines a special light to activate the gel for maximum lightening. This combo can make teeth up to eight shades brighter in one session, in our experience.
Some orthodontic patients, often children, have upper jaws too narrow to fit all teeth. This causes crowding, misalignment, and bite issues. Palate expanders, or removable appliances worn in the upper mouth, create space so teeth can shift into the proper position. These devices feature a split screw anchored to the back teeth with bands. You'll twist an attached key daily per your orthodontist's instructions, slowly pushing the expander's sides outward. This expands the upper jaw, making room for straightened teeth and ensuring proper facial growth.
Gingivectomies treat advanced gum disease by removing infected, swollen, or dead gum tissue. Your orthodontist numbs the area, then trims diseased gums with scalpels and scrapers. This allows your gums to reattach tightly to teeth again as they heal. Though usually performed by periodontists, orthodontists may recommend gingivectomies if gum issues are affecting tooth/bite alignment. Trimming infected gums helps stabilize teeth during movement. It also reduces gum pocket depth for better at-home brushing and flossing to prevent reinfection.
More and more people are looking to have their whitest, straightest, and best smile on display for the world to see. According to IBIS World, in 2023, the orthodontist market revenue is expected to reach $22.4 billion. While many people believe the world of orthodontic services solely consists of braces, aligners, and retainers, it also consists of services such as teeth whitening, palate expanders, and gingivectomies. If you want to achieve your best smile, an orthodontist can help. Schedule a consultation with Neibaur Family Orthodontics today and let us help you to get the smile you have been dreaming of.
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